Happy Friday, folks. In the interest of keeping you from getting any real work done, here's some entertainment news I've gathered.
1) Brandon Routh will not be returning as Superman in the sequel. Latinoreview (shut up, TK) revealed they got wind of this some time ago but didn't let it slip until Variety started flapping the howling yappers about it. I'm not all that surprised, seeing as how I was really only impressed with Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor. And the whole Superman having a kid with Lois? I'm not sure about that one...but can you imagine the rug burns Lois had? Yikes.
B) Unless you've been living under a rock, hacked off both of your ears and shoved carrots in your eye sockets, you're aware that Britney Spears has finally and completely lost her shit.
Zebra) You know, when I was a kid and I acted up, my grandma put a boot in my ass. What do kids get these days? Free psychiatric care and lots of drugs. Lucky bastards.
Purple) Wonder whatever happened to Colin Farrell? Apparently the reviews for Alexander shamed him into making some good films. Here are some clips from In Bruges, in which he co-stars with Brendan Gleeson and Ralph (Ray, Raif, WTF?) Fienes. Ol' Drunky McDrinksalot plays one of two hit men sent to hideout in the town of Bruges, and get into all sorts of hi-larious mixups and run-ins with the locals. The dialogue and editing for the previews reminds me of Snatch (hee hee) and Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels. I've been jonesing for a well written, dark UK comedy for a while and this just may fit the bill.
In Bruges is brainchild of Martin McDonagh, who represents everything that is awesome. Get thee to a library or bookstore and read the Beauty Queen of Leenane trilogy. You will cry tears of joy. Among the violence, a woman gets murdered with an axe, a priest scalds his hands in a pot full of molten Virgin Mary statues, and there's an entire scene where two drunken Irishmen smash skulls with a mallet.
Thank Prisco, consider it done.
Dude... again with the LR references?
Too easy.
Holy fuck. My word verification was "oletk".
Ole TK.
Hand to God.
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