Something's been bugging me lately, folks: More and more people seem to have taken to no longer saying "Merry Christmas" and now use the generic "Happy Holiday" greeting. I actually had someone today stumble over their words trying to figure out how to wish me a merry Christmas. You know what, screw that! Just say "Merry Christmas", alright? You know what the worst thing that can happen would be if I didn't celebrate Christmas (which I do, by the way)? I would politely correct you and say "Why thank you, sir/m'am, I don't celebrate Christmas but I do appreciate the well wishes".
There. Was that so bad?
Fucking political correctness. Anyway, Merry Christmas to all of you that do celebrate it and a happy New Year to all.
Merry CHRISTmas, Manny! Now if that isn't politically incorrect, I don't know what is. ;-)
Agreed. from a gal who isn't religous at all.
BB - LIkewise BB.
Claudia - Thank you!
Happy Christmas, buddy. Hope it was a good one.
And thanks for those little stocking stuffers of trailers. Yum.
Likewise, Manda. It's what I'm here for. That, and impregnating Salma Hayek.
Well put!!
Serious I watch this show on dateline with 15 flyers that they were showing that had Christmas sales in them.. not one of them said Christmas anywhere in the flyer...
that is all.
Happy new year manny-man!
MERRY NEW YEAR! I love that line from Trading Places, so I've owned it, man!
Thanks for bringing a smile to my face every day or every other day while I'm working (with a gun in my back) at the office.
Agreed, this time from a second-time reader on your blog. Was reading the Longest Post Ever back in August, and couldn't find you till you popped up again on Claudia's blog.
Heck, I'm Indian(from India in Asia) and born Hindu and now agnostic, and if I can wish everyone I care about a Merry Christmas on Christmas, Eid Mubarak on Eid and Shubh Deepawali or Dussehra on those occasions... whatever! Hang political correctness - on these occasions it's just a killjoy.
Random - Pretty soon it'll be renamed to "Merry get yourself in debt day".
Claudia - Thanks, C!
Boo - Back atcha, Booby-boo! (Boo-boo? Boo-tastic?)
Slouch - Hey there, new dad! Thanks for checking in, glad I can lighten up your day.
Suki - Suki! Thank you for coming back. I'll let you in on a secret. I'm going to be posting the final piece to the Longest Post very soon. It's been kinda tough.
Happy New Year, Manny! And I hope you had a debt free Christmas (unlike myself).
pss- leave poor Salma be for a few months. A bairn that big- she needs recover time!
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