Monday, May 14, 2007

Step-Mother's Day

It took me a while to organize my thoughts, but here they are. In the mad rush for flowers, cards, gifts and a blur of brunch time get together on this Mother's Day, there is one particular person that I think gets forgotten or not as rewarded all too often: the Stepmother.

If being a parent is often times a thankless job, then being a step parent is thankless 24/7. Not only are you considered an outsider by some, often there is sense of complete alienation from the inner circle of parenting. The children weren't born to you, were not raised from infancy by you, and your first introduction to them often comes at a time of great loss and you become an object of hostility and disrespect.

I would like to take use this forum to express my deepest thanks and affection for those brave enough to take upon themselves the mantle of Step-Parent. You have entered onto a field of warring emotions, where there is no clear victor. You put aside your own happiness in consideration of the greater good and give of yourself more than any other.

Thank you Kristine for being the mother I wish my daughters had from the very beginning. The love, kindness, generosity, and self sacrifice you have shown my daughters is nothing short of heroic. I don't know if I can ever thank you enough for being there for us when we needed you most, and being my strength when I had none left, but I will die trying. You have left your mark on all of us, and we are all the better for it.


Jayne said...

Manny, that is so sweet. Your entire family (and I mean to include Kristine, obviously) is lucky to have each other.

Happy Mother's Day, Kristine!

Unknown said...

Thanks Jayne! Happy Step-Mom day to YOU!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jayne. We shall toast a belated Step-Mother's day together soon.


Anonymous said...

Thank you. You've changed my life in so many ways, but this is honestly not a thank-less job.

At the end of the day I have you.


TK said...

Getting a little dusty in here... Well said, Manny, and kudos to your lovely wife-to-be.